Consuelo Lollobrigida
Professor of Art History at the University of Arkansas Rome Program.
Curator of the Annual International Women in the Arts Conference

A Brief presentation
As an art historian I joint a Ph.D. degree in Art History from Sapienza University, Rome (IT) and now I’m a full-time happy professor of Art History at the University of Arkansas Rome Program. I love my job as much as I love my study and my research, chiefly my field of expertise: women artists! Indeed, since 2005, I have been studying the history of women artists in the early modern time, focusing my attention principally to Rome and its environment. Since then I’ve been taking part to conferences and meetings, all over the world, on women artists in 17th and 18th century…

Artemisie Museum Chief Curator
Celebrating women artists from the past to inspire today’s art lovers

Interview with Consuelo Lollobrigida RAI news24
If today we know and appreciate the artists of the past, the credit undoubtedly goes to the American feminist movement which in the 1970s began to investigate their glaring absence in museums, research, exhibitions and citations. At the beginning it was Artemisia Gentileschi, but the (re)discovery of Lavinia Fontana, Virginia da Vezzo, Diana Ghisi and Isabella Catanea Parasole revealed to us a fascinating Baroque, woven of personal events and talented productions. of the many academics of San Luca. The famous art school admitted women into its Roman classrooms in 1607. To theoretical lessons, however, not to practice… This and much more tells us Consuelo Lollobrigida, art historian and teacher between Italy and the United States, passionate investigator of female genius and gender differences in the arts of every era.
(Mariella Zezza – 12/15/2022)